CLI Based Installation

Of the two methods available for installing Educates into an existing Kubernetes cluster, the instructions below pertain to installing using the Educates CLI. The instructions assume you have already prepared a suitable configuration file.

Deploying the platform

Once you have created a suitable configuration file, you can install Educates into an existing Kubernetes cluster using the Educates CLI, by running:

educates deploy-platform --config config.yaml

The --config option should supply the path to the configuration file you created.

You must have set clusterInfrastructure.provider in the configuration file.

The installation process will install Educates, as well as other services and Kubernetes operators required by Educates, or which are beneficial when working with the specified infrastructure provider.

If needing to debug the installation process, you can supply the --verbose option.

educates deploy-platform --config config.yaml --verbose

Kubeconfig and context

By default the Educates CLI will use the Kubernetes configuration found in the standard kubeconfig file, usually $HOME/.kube/config.

If you want to use an alternate kubeconfig file, use the --kubeconfig option.

educates deploy-platform --config config.yaml --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml

Whether the default kubeconfig or one supplied using the --kubeconfig option, the current context specified by the configuration will be used.

If you want to specify an alternate context be used, use the --context option.

educates deploy-platform --config config.yaml --context educates-cluster

Updating configuration

After having performed an installation, if you needed to amend the configuration, in many cases it is possible to update the configuration for the installation in place, without needing to delete the installation and reinstall it.

To update the configuration for the already deployed installation, make the required changes to your configuration file. You can then run the same command as you used originally to install it. For example:

educates deploy-platform --config config.yaml

Note that such configuration changes will not necessarily affect training portals or workshop environments which have already been created, and will only affect training portals created after that point.

Deleting the installation

To delete Educates and any other services or Kubernetes operators which were installed, you can run:

educates delete-platform